Your partner within HR & People Management

HR Experience help private companies with operative and strategic HR.

We offer a business oriented delivery with experience from leadership and transformation from different industries. Our focus is to get to know your

people and culture with the ambition to be your trusted advisor.

Why HR Experience

Strategy - design & implementation 

By experience we know how successful it is to create engagement

among employees with a red thread and a tactical people plan.

Operational - HR & leadership coaching

We strongly believe in a confident daily leadership as a prerequisite for being an attractive employer.

Base - Build up an HR platform

There are many good reasons for building up structure and mindsets for HR from start. Not least for being a consistent, compliant and fast moving employer in change.  

"I've learned that people will forget what you said,

people will forget what you did, but people

will never forget how you made them feel."

Maya Angleou